Thursday, November 28, 2013

Taking a Deep Breath....A Soul Healing Miracle

I have returned from a very, very special Retreat with Master Sha.  For many reasons this will be a standout for me.... of all the events I have participated in with our teacher.  Here I received karma cleansing and it has significantly affected my ability to 'take a deep breath'.  In fact I can actually take one.  Usually in winter I am hard pressed to catch my breath, to walk, to move....without significant  'panting' and my heart rate zooming.  I can honestly say that I am feeling much, much better.  I can also, with my third eye, see more light in my lungs.  There were always huge blockages there.

Is this a miracle?  I would say yes.  One minute I could only take short, laboured breaths and now I can breath deeply.  A Soul Healing Miracle. 

This has been a long journey for me.  I know the purification will continue.  The lungs are healing and rejuvenating as I write this. Overall I have a great sense of peace and my energy is much better.

Karma is truly the root cause of all blockages.  I am eternally grateful.  I will continue to write and share my experiences.

Please share yours.                         THANK YOU MASTER SHA!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

High Altitude can Make for High Level Realizations

I am at Estes Park in Colorado.  We are at a Retreat with Master Sha.  The location is 1000s of feet above sea level and the air is thin.  Since I got here I have been 'huffing and puffing' struggling to breath.  I have healed and transformed the asthma a lot over the years and overall I am much better. Coming to a venue like this reminds me that keeping my physical body in good condition is really important.  I know that if I focus on cardio fitness...walk, run, bicycle, tai breathing is much more stable.  I realize more and more how important it is to take care of all aspects of your life....physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  I have done a lot of work spiritually to clear soul blockages.  I have done a lot of work emotionally and mentally clearing blockages from this issues, relationship issues, ways of thinking, and more.  I have too often not given the physical enough attention.   Let's do that together. 

This body that currently houses my indeed a Temple.  Honor and respect this Temple.  When I do this then my soul journey can also proceed much further and faster.  I realized at a young age that being here on Mother Earth was an opportunity to grow spiritually.  All the questions I asked always came back to the soul journey.  Our human body and all that goes with being human is the vehicle.  We have to take care of it.  I am so grateful to be reminded of that. 

So friends......High Altitude Can Make for High Level Realizations

Dance with Me!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

WHY AM I HERE....Childhood Awareness

When I was a child I was often ill.  Most of the time I had some kind of respiratory issue. Many bouts of pneumonia, bronchitis, and colds.  I spent long hours in my bed or on a couch in front of the television set.  I don't remember how old I was but at some point I started to bring a writing pad and pencil into my sick bed.  Poems, diary notes, thoughts, reveries....anything that came to me...were written down.  I already had quite a vivid daydreaming it felt natural to capture some of it this way. My illness became an opportunity to open up a whole world of thoughts, images, ideas and questions.  I remember writing down these words:


This was where my soul journey in this life really began. 

I continued to ask and then later I began to write down my suppositions or 'supposes'.  Like...I suppose I am here to learn the answer to these questions.  Indeed I was. I still am.

As I look back on these times a profound sense of Gratitude comes to me.  I am so grateful that I was able to see the gift that was there for me.  Being ill I had the time and opportunity to learn and explore.  It was very much like unwrapping a present.  I began the quest and my soul guided me to it does today.

Listen to your soul. There is so much wisdom there already.  Many answers will come to you as they did for me.  See the Gift.

I am so happy to have these memories and to see the evolution of my soul journey in this life.

Let me know about yours. 

Monday, November 4, 2013


I have been afflicted with two chronic physical conditions.....asthma and crohn's disease.  Both of them are challenging and potentially life threatening BUT they have proved to be a tremendous opportunity for my total life transformation..   I have learned that all of our issues...physical, mental, emotional, spiritual....are ultimately about our soul journey. 

In this blog I will take you through my healing process.  I will share my experiences and the lessons learned along the way.  I will teach you how to heal and transform your life challenges.  I will share my soul healing miracle story.

I invite you, your family and friends, to join me.  We are all walking this road together. Everyone's life has obstacles.  Through understanding and applying the power of the soul we will not only heal ourselves but truly find greater joy and success. 

Together we will all create soul healing miracles in our lives!