About Master Lynne


Master Lynne Nusyna is a World Wide Representative, Disciple and Divine Channel personally trained by Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, Grandmaster of Soul Mind Body Medicine, founder of the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment. Dr. Sha is a Doctor of Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Grandmaster of many ancient disciplines, including Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Feng Shui, and the I Ching.

Master Lynne Nusyna worked as a strategist and leader in the corporate world for over 20 years influencing organizational change and transition strategies for major fortune 100 companies as well as government.  She holds a Masters Degree in Education and Counseling. She had a successful practice as a psychotherapist and coach with clients that included business leaders, police officers, and many others. This unique background gave her the insight to create successful leadership programs and strategic change initiatives that reflected a humanist perspective yet aligned with corporate goals.

Master Lynne realized as a young child that she had special gifts to see and communicate on a soul level which encouraged her to seek out insightful teachers that could guide her to use these treasures most effectively. However, it wasn’t until she met Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha that her most powerful talents were revealed and developed.

Master Lynne is a powerful healer, dynamic speaker and teacher, soul communicator and reader of the Akashic Records. Her open third eye is just one of many gifts that provide extraordinary insight into the personal journeys of all that come to her workshops. Many come to her for individual consultations to gain insight and find solutions to propel them to greater success in their businesses and personal lives.   She is honored to share the ancient wisdom and breakthrough healing techniques that are applicable to all aspects of life including health, relationships, business success and finances.

In 2011 Master Lynne received Divine teachings for the book “Bringing Spiritual Wisdom to Your Daily Work”.  It is the first of many to come as Lynne has dedicated her life to making this world a better place.

Lynne Nusyna is an associate of Master Sha’s Soul Healing Centre which is also the headquarters for the Love Peace Harmony Movement in Toronto.  She teaches and offers healings using her many gifts to help humanity and all souls.

For more information about Master Lynne, Master Sha, the Soul Healing Centre please see the links below. If you'd like to talk with her or ask questions, you are welcome to email or call.

Lynne.Nusyna@drsha.com     647-885-2268         

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