Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Pathway to Wellness

We are bringing a new program to Master Sha's Soul Healing Centre in Toronto. It is called Pathway to Wellness using Divine Healing Hands.  As someone who has suffered with two chronic critical...conditions I can say that Soul Healing has truly saved my life. Part of that healing process has been about becoming a healer myself. 

I had used many healing modalities and had been trained as an energy healer. Reiki and Healing Touch had helped me but Soul Healing really got to the root cause....which is karma.  Soul blockages are really what  are manifesting both the asthma and the crohn's disease. So I had to work at the soul level.

Master Sha trained me as first a Power Healer...then a Soul Mind Body Medicine Healer.....and then a Divine Soul Healer......Eventually all of us became Divine Healing Hands Healers. As Master Sha evolved...the healing evolved.

Divine Healing Hands are literally God's Soul Hands.  We receive transmissions of the divine frequency and  vibration...light, love, forgiveness, compassion...and then offer this to heal others and ourselves. This is quite miraculous.  So many people have benefited from this and I myself can feel the healing when I offer it to others and myself.  To be able to serve people in that way is a true blessing.

So we are going to offer this as part of a program for healing chronic and life critical conditions.  People will come to the Centre....receive the Divine Healing Hands transmission....then we will train them to use them and over an 8 week period provide a group setting to practice and continue to heal. 

We will have a community of healing.  Participants will be supported during the week with teleconferences and other special blessings.  They can then re-enroll to continue..if they wish.  The Divine Healing Hands treasure is permanent...they will be able to use this healing blessing continuously for themselves and for family members and friends. 

This will begin in January 2015 and we are so looking forward to it.  I have always wanted to support people in their healing just as I have been through Master Sha. 

I will tell you more in the future.  If you know people in our local area who could benefit.  Let them know about it.

We are blessed.

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